November Birthstones – Topaz

There are three traditional birthstones representing the month of November, smoky quartz, citrine, and orange topaz. I have a November birthday and when I was growing up the topaz was considered the November birthstone and it's still my favorite. This beautiful stone ranges from golden brown to yellow in color and is one of the hardest minerals in nature. The name is derived from the Greek author Topazios, who was one of the first authorities on minerals and gemstones.
Orange topaz, also known as precious topaz is considered a symbol of friendship and faithfulness. Folklore holds that the stone would heal physical and mental health, and improve eyesight. The ancient Greeks thought it had the power to make them invisible. Throughout history topaz has been used to enhance spritual rejuvenation and feelings of happiness.
A topaz stone can reach several hundred pounds in size. The most famous topaz is a colorless stone that was first thought to be a diamond. It is an 1680 carat stone known as the "Braganza Diamond" set in the Portugese Crown Jewels.
The mineral is mined in Brazil, Sri Lanka, Europe, Pakistan, Russia, and in the U.S., where it is the state gemstone for Utah and is mined on Topaz mountain there.
The Tiffany Jewelry Company published this poem for November birthdays in 1870.
"Who first comes to this world below
In dreary November's fog and snow,
Should prize the topaz amber hue,
Emblem of friends and lovers true."
I'm wishing all my fellow November birthday folks a friendly healthy month.

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