Collections A La Fitzcharming

This is another look at the things I collect, other than charms of course. Last time I showed you my Artesania Rinconada dogs and birds, my blue soapstone eggs, and my glass pumpkins. Of course that wasn't all. You know those of us with the collector gene don't stop at just a few collections, so this will be a continuing series until I get to the end, which may take a while.
I love blue teapots. I don't make tea in them, I just display them in my kitchen. These aren't antique teapots, just porcelain and ceramic pots that I've spotted in stores around town, and some that were gifts. Sadly I had to stop buying theses because I ran out of room to put them, making it hard to go into Home Goods now. I have to scurry past the dishware section with my blinders on. If I see any of the little ones I still buy them; I think they are made by Spode. Anyway I like the way they look lined up above my cabinets and in my glass door cupboards.
This next collection is a bit weird. I'm not as stuck on myself as it makes me seem. I have a small collection of books with my first name, Wanda, in the title. They are all quite old as it's an old fashioned name never given to a new baby these days. Even as old names go, this one was never very popular. There are a few more out there that I will likely get some day, one is "Happy Birthday Wanda June", which is a play by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Of course any collection of Wanda books wouldn't be complete without that one. But I don't add to this collection regularly so I've got time.
Stay tuned for more.....

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