Charm Chatter Gets Friendly Link Juice

Last night when I got home from work I had a nice surprise awaiting me. My friend Sally K from Diary of a Dishie sent me an email letting me know that Charm Chatter had been mentioned in a feature article about Charm Beads on the Auction Bytes Collectors Corner website. Okay to be honest it wasn't actually "mentioned" but the author, Michele Alice, had posted two links back to my blog at the bottom of the post. Gosh I feel almost famous!
Actually in the internet marketing world it is kind of nice because links to my web site from trusted sources increase my exposure in Google Search. So thanks to Michele and Auction Bytes for finding Charm Chatter and linking to me. I appreciate it.
Then to make my day even nicer one of my mentors, Lisa Suttora of the What Do I Sell 2010Business Growth Group, wrote a congratulatory post about my notoriety in her members discussion forum. She said she will be writing about my "success" soon as a way to encourage others to start a blog for marketing purposes. So watch for that as well. My little labor of love is actually getting noticed. This could be a good sign. 🙂

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