June Birthstones – Pearl

The traditional birthstone is Alexandrite but I'm not a fan so I chose to feature the modern June birthstone, which is a pearl. Pearls are formed of course when a tiny grain of sand or mineral gets into an oyster. The oyster responds by secreting a substance called nacre, which layers on until the pearl is created.
At first pearls were found by opening many oysters to find a nice specimen. These days most pearls are cultured, which means the grain is artificially inserted into the oyster. Then in two or three years the pearl is harvested. Cultured pearls are more uniform because the process can be monitored, and thus a more desirable pearl is created. Natural pearls are found in the Persian Gulf, Japan, and the South Pacific Islands. The cultured pearl industry is centered mostly in Japan and Australia.
Pearls come in several colors, white, yellow, pink, gray, and black. There are also different varieties, for example Biwa pearls are freshwater pearls from Japan, and Mabe pearls are cultivated pearls that are grown attached to the inside of the shell.
Legends about the pearl abound. Ancient Chinese believed the pearl came from the brains of dragons, Greeks thought that they were the hardened tears of the goddess of love, and Arab legend says they were made when oysters were lured into the depths of the ocean by the moon and then they swallowed dewdrops.
"By her who in June was born
No gem save Pearls shall be worn
They will ensure her constancy
True friendship and fidelity."
~ unknown author, published by Tiffany & Co, in 1870

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