Where Do You Buy Vintage Charms?

I get this question from customers from time to time and the answer is "from various sources". I live in central Florida and the antiquing prospects here aren't as robust as in the midwest or northeast United States. It's just not easy to find nice charms at the antique fairs in my area. And when I do, it seems they are quite expensive.
So I've developed other sources. For myself I buy mostly online. I've got such an extensive collection now that I'm pretty picky about what is still missing from my collection. I shop on sites like Ruby Plaza and eBay to start and then check smaller sites. Sometimes when I find a coveted charm it's already attached to a bracelet and I end up buying the whole thing, dis-assembling it and selling the pieces I don't need in my eBay store.
When I'm sourcing inventory to sell directly I generally buy from a coin dealer friend who has access to a lot of silver and gold salvage jewelry. I'm able to purchase the goods for a small markup over the salvage price and it's a good deal for me. Other times when I'm shopping online, I will come across a bracelet that has a charm or two that I know are semi-rare and I know I'll be able to make a good profit so I'll purchase it and sell it for the separate pieces.
So that's my story in a nutshell. I've been doing this long enough to have developed an eye for high quality vintage charms and know what will sell quickly. And it's something I love to do.

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Category: Selling Vintage Jewelry
I have a good sized collection of charms considering I’ve not been collecting very long. Could you share some of those smaller sites that carry vintage charms?
I would apperciate knowing where else to look for charms.
Thank you,
i have a bracelet full of charms that would be about 40 years old how would i find out how much they would be worth.