Category: About Me and My Business

Vintage Thomas L Mott TLM England Charms For Sale
I sorted through my Thomas L Mott enamel travel souvenir charms and have a few duplicates so I’m offering them in my Charmcrazey shop. They are all vintage and made of sterling silver and enamel.

I’ve Got A Slew Of New Silver Charms To Sell!
Hello readers, I’ve risen from the dead and have started writing on my blog again. The big bunch of jewelry I bought last night inspired me to take a picture of it all and write a blog post about it.

Flea Market Charms
Yesterday I took a day off from work and drove over to Indian Rocks Beach on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I went to visit my friend Karen from my charm group, who is visiting from New Hampshire. We went to the flea market in Seminole and I found vintage jewelry treasures.

I Bought Lots Of Vintage Silver Charms
I met with my good friend Diane from the coin shop last night and bought tons of charms to sell. I’ll be listing them over the next few days in my CharmCrazey Vintage Charms & Jewelry eBay shop . Wow this is fun. It’s like Christmas all over again. Oh and see that wide band […]

Shopping At Renningers For Jewelry
I found lots of great vintage jewelry – fine and costume – at Renninger’s Antique Market in Mount Dora Florida yesterday. I’ll be featuring it in my eBay shop. Check out my pretty finds……

Collecting Vintage Costume Pins And Brooches
I’ve been collecting vintage charms and creating bracelets, as well as selling them for a while now, and lately I’ve started to collect vintage costume jewelry lately. Pins and brooches in particular. I love the figural shaped pins and pins with colored stones the most I think.

Happy Birthday Charm Chatter – Youre Three Years Old
August 31 is the day I posted my first blog post ever right here on Charm Chatter, exactly 3 years ago. At the time I had no idea how to operate wordpress and had a fit of a time getting it installed. It was a lot harder back then. But I persevered and wrote that […]

Nothing Says Merry Christmas Like An $11 Million Tree
As you probably know if you spend any time reading Charm Chatter I love jewelry. Mostly charm bracelets but I like all jewelry really.

Where Do You Buy Vintage Charms?
I get this question from customers from time to time and the answer is “from various sources”. I live in central Florida and the antiquing prospects here aren’t as robust as in the midwest or northeast United States. It’s just not easy to find nice charms at the antique fairs in my area.

Vintage Charm Bracelet Storage Decisions
I’m planning my trip to the annual charm convention where members of my charm group meet up and share our collections and charm stories. This year I’m going to need a new vintage jewelry storage solution.

Celebrating Jeanette Cates 30 Day Blog Challenge Finale
Today is the last day of the blog challenge I participated in for the month of June. I’m proud to say that I kept up and was able to write a blog post each day. Even though the posts only had to be 150 words or more, it was still quite a task for me to come up with a topic each day and research enough to write a concise article.

30 Day Blog Challenge
I’ve thrown my hat into the ring and decided to participate in Jeanette Cate’s 30 day blog challenge starting June 1 (today). I will be writing a short blog post every day this month. The objective is to cultivate my writing skills, build blog traffic, focus deeper into my vintage jewelry niche, and build on-line relationships.

Charm Chatter Gets Friendly Link Juice
Last night when I got home from work I had a nice surprise awaiting me. My friend Sally K from Diary of a Dishie sent me an email letting me know that Charm Chatter had been mentioned in a feature article about Charm Beads on the Auction Bytes Collectors Corner website. Okay to be honest […]

Vintage Silver and Enamel Travel Shield Charms
These beautiful and brightly colored shield charms are fun to collect and they’re on sale for 20% off through the end of April in my Charmcraze-y ebay store. One can make a collection from any number of themes, from places you’ve visited to different flowers of the world.

Lovely Charms and Charming Dinnerware – A Heavenly Match
Fitzcharming’s first guest blog post – Written by Sally K of Diary of a Dishie. “I’ve never worn much jewelry, but charms have become more tempting since I’ve seen so many beautiful things here on CharmChatter. Dishes are my first love, and I never knew there was such a similar variety and beauty to be found in silver, gold and enameled charms.”

Vintage Charm Bracelet With Springtime Enamels
Just thought I’d post a photo of a vintage charm bracelet I just received in the mail. I bought it on ebay. It’s mostly sterling silver, and all enamels, and there are several Thomas L. Mott charms.

Cincinnati Charm Convention – The Last Day
Sunday was the final official day of the charm gathering. We got up early in the morning and several of us went to an antique / flea market in Indiana. The rest stayed at the hotel and did more charm sharing. I was one of the antique market folks. Sandy accompanied us on our fun field trip. I haven’t been able to find the quality of antique markets in Central Florida that there are in the Midwest so I was anxious to check it out.

Cincinnati Charm Convention – Day Two – Part Two
So after a day of complete charm overload on Saturday, we continued to celebrate into the night. Sandy and Pam’s “personal jewelers” threw us a private cocktail party at Krombholz jewelry store. Representatives from Hug Jewelers were also there and they both had a huge spread of new and vintage charms and bracelets for us to purchase.
Connect With Fitzcharming
Connect with me on the following social media platforms.