Category: Other Stuff

Happy Birthday Charm Chatter – Youre Three Years Old
August 31 is the day I posted my first blog post ever right here on Charm Chatter, exactly 3 years ago. At the time I had no idea how to operate wordpress and had a fit of a time getting it installed. It was a lot harder back then. But I persevered and wrote that […]

Nothing Says Merry Christmas Like An $11 Million Tree
As you probably know if you spend any time reading Charm Chatter I love jewelry. Mostly charm bracelets but I like all jewelry really.

Vintage Charm Bracelet Storage Decisions
I’m planning my trip to the annual charm convention where members of my charm group meet up and share our collections and charm stories. This year I’m going to need a new vintage jewelry storage solution.

Celebrating Jeanette Cates 30 Day Blog Challenge Finale
Today is the last day of the blog challenge I participated in for the month of June. I’m proud to say that I kept up and was able to write a blog post each day. Even though the posts only had to be 150 words or more, it was still quite a task for me to come up with a topic each day and research enough to write a concise article.

Lovely Charms and Charming Dinnerware – A Heavenly Match
Fitzcharming’s first guest blog post – Written by Sally K of Diary of a Dishie. “I’ve never worn much jewelry, but charms have become more tempting since I’ve seen so many beautiful things here on CharmChatter. Dishes are my first love, and I never knew there was such a similar variety and beauty to be found in silver, gold and enameled charms.”

Cincinnati Charm Convention – The Last Day
Sunday was the final official day of the charm gathering. We got up early in the morning and several of us went to an antique / flea market in Indiana. The rest stayed at the hotel and did more charm sharing. I was one of the antique market folks. Sandy accompanied us on our fun field trip. I haven’t been able to find the quality of antique markets in Central Florida that there are in the Midwest so I was anxious to check it out.

Cincinnati Charm Convention – Day Two – Part Two
So after a day of complete charm overload on Saturday, we continued to celebrate into the night. Sandy and Pam’s “personal jewelers” threw us a private cocktail party at Krombholz jewelry store. Representatives from Hug Jewelers were also there and they both had a huge spread of new and vintage charms and bracelets for us to purchase.

Cincinnati Charm Convention – Day Two – Part One
Day two of Convention was so fun filled that it deserves two separate posts. So continuing with the details of my glorious weekend with my fellow charmers, beginning with a Saturday morning brunch at Lisa C’s house and then a charm marathon at the hotel………

Cincinnati Charm Convention 2009
A couple of weeks ago I attended the very first national meeting of the “Joan’s Vintage Charm and Charm Bracelets” group. We met in Cincinnati and so our first event was called the Cincinnati Charm Convention.
Connect With Fitzcharming
Connect with me on the following social media platforms.