Category: My Other Collections

Collecting Vintage Jewelry Advertisements
I love love love looking at vintage jewelry ads from old magazines. I’ve purchased a few online and at flea markets. They can get pricey though so lately I’ve been “collecting” them on Pinterest. It’s easy and fun. Not quite as fun as having a real glossy paper advertisement in my hands but I can […]

Fitzcharming’s Stuffed Pumpkin Collection
I’ve been collecting fabric stuffed pumpkins for a number of years. I have no idea why or when I started and at one time I was going to throw them all away because I thought it was a stupid collection. Now I’m glad I didn’t. I bring them out before Halloween every year and leave […]

Fitzcharming Collects Starbucks Coffee Mugs
Here’s another of a continuing series of articles about my collections (other than vintage charms). I became interested in Starbucks coffee mugs several years ago when I bought a large 18 ounce Christmas mug at an estate sale. It was a blue snowflake mug and I loved it because it was nice and big and had the cutest little snowflake on the inside rim. I knew if there was one, then there were most certainly more so I searched eBay and found 1) a mate so I would have a pair of the same design, and 2) many, many more collectible Starbucks mugs for sale.

Fitzcharming Collects Salt Glaze Pottery
I fell in love with salt glaze pottery years ago when I lived in North Carolina. There was a store that carried a lot of it, I can’t remember what line, but the beautiful cobalt blue designs on pottery backgrounds caught my fancy right away. I didn’t purchase it at the time because I had four little children and was on a tight budget.

Peter Fagan Colour Box Miniature Collection
Another in my series of articles about my various collections. This one I started way back when my oldest son was a baby and I was browsing around in a Hallmark store one day. That was 29 years ago. The tiny painted resin figurine of a cat curled up sleeping in a basket caught my eye and I purchased it.

Fitzcharming Collects – Installment Three – Ethan Allen Furniture
Here’s another look at one of my personal collections, outside of my charm collection of course which I need to get busy and organize so I can feature them here more regularly. In my dining room I have a long skinny table that seats 12 and around the perimeter of the room I have an assortment of Ethan Allen Custom Room Plan modular pieces.

Collections A La Fitzcharming
This is another look at the things I collect, other than charms of course. Last time I showed you my Artesania Rinconada dogs and birds, my blue soapstone eggs, and my glass pumpkins. Of course that wasn’t all. You know those of us with the collector gene don’t stop at just a few collections, so this will be a continuing series until I get to the end, which may take a while.

My Collections Through the Years
I’ve been a collector as long as I can remember. Since I was young I’ve been fascinated by gathering together groups of things. Mostly small things. I’ve always found it great fun to find things from different sources that are similar and arrange them in little groups. Through the years my interests evolved and I’ve started collecting all kinds of little things.
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