Celebrating Jeanette Cates 30 Day Blog Challenge Finale

Today is the last day of the blog challenge I participated in for the month of June. I’m proud to say that I kept up and was able to write a blog post each day. Even though the posts only had to be 150 words or more, it was still quite a task for me to come up with a topic each day and research enough to write a concise article. I believe I truly honed my writing skills by pushing myself to stay on track. I also gathered lots of material to write other posts later on, and I will be able to aggregate several of the posts to send to ezine articles.
I’m sure that all 250 + people that were part of the challenge are writing about the same thing today, what they learned, who they met online, etc. I think most of us had a good time reading and commenting on other blogs and learning about each other on the members page Jeanette Cates set up.
I would have liked to have been one of the featured bloggers on Jeanette’s site but unfortunately I wasn’t chosen. That’s fine, there were only 30 days and many participants so the odds weren’t that good. No matter, I read everyone else’s bio and enjoyed learning about them.
One great thing that came out of the event is that I got so many great ideas for marketing my websites by reading other member’s posts. I think most of the folks were blogging about affiliate marketing, search engine optimization, and wordpress tips, so I printed a bunch of them to adobe for reference topics. I have a big folder that I use as an idea file, and although I don’t get to everything I am able to pick up lots of easy tips that I can implement quickly into my online business.
I’m happy I joined the challenge and also happy that it’s over. I’m going to devote the next few weeks to catching up on some of the other things that I diverted my attention from, and ponder the idea of joining another challenge of some sort.

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Category: Other Stuff
Congratulations on FINISHING the 30-day Blog Challenge, Wanda. It’s a huge feat and one you’re to be congratulated for.
It’s so wonderful to hear all that you got from the Blog Challenge. And even though you weren’t one of our featured members, looks like you still got a LOT out of it. (Just so you know – it’s not a slight, it’s just totally random. In fact, I cannot even purposely choose someone – the computer does it and doesn’t let me interfere, just in case I wanted to play favorites.)
Love your blog – interesting, attractive and really reflects a great personality. I hope you’ll continue blogging and join us in the NEXT blog challenge!