Happy Birthday Charm Chatter – Youre Three Years Old

August 31 is the day I posted my first blog post ever right here on Charm Chatter, exactly 3 years ago. At the time I had no idea how to operate wordpress and had a fit of a time getting it installed. It was a lot harder back then. But I persevered and wrote that first little blurb with the intention of writing about vintage charms exclusively. Over time I became interested in other types of jewelry, both vintage and new, so the content on Charm Chatter has evolved with me.
I figured 3 years is cause for a charming celebration. I’m still happily collecting and selling charms and jewelry and having fun researching and writing about what I learn. Happy Birthday Charm Chatter, cheers to many more!

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Category: Other Stuff
Happy Birthday!! 🙂
Happy Birthday and I hope there will be many many more to come! I love reading this blog and learning more about charms etc. Thanks for writing it!!
Happy Birthday Wanda!
You’ve done a great job with your blog. I always check your informative articles when I receive your newsletters.
Thanks Sally. I can’t believe it’s been this long. Thank goodness I listened to Lisa Suttora and got started when I did. It’s been fun.
I enjoy your blog, thanks for your work on it!