My New Life As An Entrepreneur

Today I officially gave my resignation notice at Ernst & Young, the accounting firm where I've worked for the past 12 years. I'm scared to death but I'm determined to make a life for myself as an entrepreneur. This was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made and very emotional for me.
I'll be listing jewelry like a mad woman on Ebay & Ruby Lane, and hoping the economy picks up soon. Also hoping Ebay doesn't run itself into the ground with all their new policies. In time I plan to develop my own web site. That's going to be on hold until after the upcoming holidays though.
I also have a small bookkeeping practice that I'm taking over starting this month. See the link in my blog for my website. It's only about 8 clients but it's a start. I think between the two endeavors I'll make enough money to pay the mortgage.
Cheers - here's to not having to live out of my car.

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Category: About Me, Selling Vintage Jewelry
I found your site on google and I’ve asked you to become my friend on fb. I have a photo of a vintage souvenir charm bracelet bought in Ontario around 1955. I am hoping you can help me. Who today manufactures bracelets like this? I prefer North American…would you mind helping me?
Hi Patti – I accepted the FB friend request. Is the bracelet you are asking about the Balm Beach one? If it is I’m not sure anyone is still making those. There are lots of good vintage Canadian travel charms manufactured by a company named BMCo. I think if you search the internet using that you will get some results. I think I even have some on my TheCharmCellar website. They are very good quality and usually brightly colored enamel. You could create a theme bracelet with your own picks. I hope that helps.