Rising Silver Prices Scare Me

Not for the reason you may think. What worries me is that as the price of sterling silver skyrockets, and the economy stays in the tank, more and more people are scrapping their family heirlooms for quick cash. Cash they need to feed and house their families. Nobody can blame them. But that scraped silver includes vintage charms. Those little trinkets that represented a long-ago special moment in someone’s life are being melted so the Chinese factories can turn out more and more mass produced “whatever” happens to be the best selling junk jewelry of the day. Last time I talked to my silver source she was on her way to melt 5 pounds of charms and bracelets. At least she told me and I made her wait until I could look through it first and rescue some of the nicer pieces.
I’ve read stories of people hosting home jewelry parties where the aim is not to sell jewelry, but to BUY it. Senior neighborhoods are the prime areas where precious metal dealers advertise. I can only hope that people take a deep breath and think about it before they sell off grandmas loaded circa 1890 Victorian charm bracelet for the price of scrap silver.
Gold doesn’t worry me quite as much. While the value of gold is also in the clouds, most people have at least a slight hesitation to melt gold jewelry. It happens, but not at the rate of silver. And there are so many more intricate, detailed, extraordinary sterling silver vintage charms. There were just more made because they were more affordable. Designers in the mid-20th century poured their best efforts into silver jewelry.
I don’t think there is much that can be done about it. I’m trying to buy as many of the charms to add to my collection. Even at premium prices. Otherwise I may never be able to find them again. EVER! That breaks my heart. But I’m only one person with limited funds. Right at this very minute there are probably hundreds of thousands of vintage charms sitting in scrap silver bins all over the country. Collectible charms made by Cini, Walter Lampl, Nuvo, and other great silver artisans. Those charms are screaming “Wait! Please!” Right before they get dumped into the furnace. If you’ve ever had a desire to start a vintage silver jewelry collection of any sort, now is the time. I have a feeling that the pieces that are left are going to be very collectible and some will be very rare. And that means much more expensive. My new campaign is called SAVE THE SILVER! Please, help me buy up the best examples of silver artistry before it's too late! Here's a link to my eBay vintage charm store Charmcrazey, and below are some other silver charms and charm bracelets offered on eBay.
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Category: All About Old Jewelry
Excellent article Wanda, and you make some very good points. It is a shame to see these one-of-a kind pieces of art melted down.
I’m glad you are taking on the role of the protector of the charms!
PS: I was surprised to see the ‘Vintage Sterling Silver Sliding Religious Charm of Roses in Repousse’. I have one just like that, that belonged to my grandma.
Thanks for stopping by my blog Lisa. Hang onto that sliding roses charm from your grandma. I love charms that have family memories.