Tag: Fitzcharming
Contact Me
My name is Wanda Fitzgerald and I sell vintage jewelry, specializing in charms and charm bracelets, from a variety of venues. You can view all of my jewelry which is personally selected from around the world from the links on this page. I offer a money back guarantee on everything I sell as I realize […]

Fitzcharming – About Me
My name is Wanda Fitzgerald and I live in Central Florida. I’m a CPA by profession but my passion is collecting things. Charm bracelets in particular. My out of control collections are what let me to the fascinating world of ecommerce. I sell vintage jewelry & other collectibles on Ebay. My company’s name is Charmcraze-y LLC. […]

Charmcrazey’s New Prince Charming Logo
This is fitzcharming. He’s my new logo graphic and I’ll be working on changing out all my internet and printed material in the next few days and weeks. Don’t you just LOVE him? He comes in many different poses so I believe he will be very versatile in my business. He’s sans charm bracelets at […]
Connect With Fitzcharming
Connect with me on the following social media platforms.