Tag: Gold

What Type Of Gold Jewelry Should You Buy?
Have you ever wondered what the difference between rolled gold and gold plate is? Or gold filled and vermeil? Read this for easy definitions and differences.

Vintage Heart Charms For Valentines Day
Did you ever wonder how a heart came to symbolize love and Valentine’s day? There are a few theories, not all of them romantic. Here are a few legends and lore behind the heart symbol.

Jewelry Quote of the Month – September 2010
“Gold! gold! gold! gold! Bright and yellow, hard and cold!” ~Thomas Hood

Gold Fun Facts
A while back I purchased a diamond and gemstone testing machine from IGEM Instruments. Turns out it’s quite a handy and useful gadget. Anyway I must have signed up for their mailing list because this week I began receiving newsletters from them. Volume #1 was filled with a bunch of gold trivia and I thought I would share with you.

Creating Vintage Charm Bracelets
Charm bracelets are a personal form of expression. They are sentimental little tokens that commemorate a moment in one’s life, a magical history tour collected over years and often passed down through generations. For those that haven’t yet succumbed to the addiction here’s the first in a series of tips on how to assemble your […]
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