Time On My Hands – Assembling My Hands Charm Bracelet

First the non-charm stuff - Today is my first day of being completely self-employed. I’ve decided to ditch the corporate job and make a go of it on my own. It feels great. Scary but great. My stress level is down 500 percent. That may not be the case in a few months if I’m scratching for money, but right now I’m loving it. You will likely see me blogging more and also promoting my business on social networks. Gotta pay the bills.
So one of the first things I did today, after shipping my eBay and Amazon packages, is assemble this sterling silver hands charm bracelet. I received the hand with the bow tied around the pointer finger today in the mail and realized I have enough to make a bracelet. I plan to add more hand charms in the future but this is how it looks now. It feels nice to have time to sit down and put together a bracelet, a time luxury I’ve not had for a while.
This one looks a little weird close up. It’s a girl sitting in a hand but through the camera lens she looks like she has a pig face. Is that a nursery rhyme or something? I can’t remember. And what in the world is on her head?
And here’s a view of the other side of the hand holding a pistol charm. Lots of detail in these older silver charms.
Finally one of my favorites, the hand of cards. It looks like it might have been enameled in it s early days. I’ve seen them for sale with enamel and there is a faint smidge of red in one of the clovers. I like it plain silver just as much as the colored versions though.
Each hand is very unique and probably held some special meaning to the original owner. Have you seen any other interesting hand charms I should be on the lookout for?

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Category: Private Jewelry Collection
Hey there, Congratulations on your retirement! The charm bracelet is beautiful…you might consider selling at Fancy flea in Lakeland…it’s a big flea market with lots of great stuff.
Thanks Sylvia, I’ll have to look into the Fancy Flea. Maybe I’ll even have time to come check out your little antique store too!
Congratulations on your courageous move
Richard and I wish you all the best!
Thanks very much Sally. I’m excited.
The girl on the hand is a punny English charm: a bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush). “Bird” is a slang English term for a woman. It’s a cute charm!
Thanks Lisa! I should have thought to ask you.