30 Day Blog Challenge

I’ve thrown my hat into the ring and decided to participate in Jeanette Cate’s 30 day blog challengestarting June 1 (today). I will be writing a short blog post every day this month. The objective is to cultivate my writing skills, build blog traffic, focus deeper into my vintage jewelry niche, and build on-line relationships.
As you may or may not know, I also have a full time job as a senior tax analyst for a large public company. It’s pretty demanding at times. My jewelry business and this labor of love that I call my blog is a side venture. Because there are only so many hours in a day one of my concerns was that in order to write a blog post every single day for a month, something else will have to be put on hold. And since I’m trying to make a profit in my jewelry business I don’t want to sacrifice listing, selling, and shipping my wares.
This made me think long and hard before I signed up for the challenge. Once I commit to something I have a hard time not finishing it, and I certainly don’t want to be a 30 day challenge drop out. But it turns out that the daily post only has to 150 words or more to qualify. So hopefully I can accomplish that. I may have to throw in a few personal articles that are not about jewelry if I get into a time crunch. Typically I have to research the jewelry posts so they tend to take longer. But I figure that will just allow my readers to get to know me better. I’ll just push myself a teeny bit harder this month and get this done. If you enjoy reading my blog check back often because I’ll be writing every day for a while.

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Category: Selling Vintage Jewelry
You go girl! I love hearing about the charms, and I know you know a lot.
They are fascinating…never thought there was so much to learn about jewelry!
Wow! You are going to be one very busy lady over the next month. I look forward to reading all your posts.
One idea, if you run short of topics, how to find genuine Pandora charms. There seems to be quite a demand for this. So many of the items listed on eBay are “fits Pandora” etc which makes it difficult for the novice to find the real thing.
Looking forward to following your news over this next month.
GREAT blogsite! I appreciate your stopping by my blog today and commenting on the online “lingo.” I’ll be watching to see what you’re writing about. I’ve never thought about charms but I think I’m going to learn a lot! My partner was a CPA in her “other life” and she’s wired so differently from me. She’s organized – I’m not. She’s sees the lines of code – I see graphics and color of the finished product. We make a good pair. Keep up the good work.
A new online friend,