Creed and Hayward Vintage Angel Charm Bracelet

Here's another show and tell with one of my recently assembled charm bracelets. This one is a collection of angel charms sold by the Creed and Hawyard companies.
Both companies sold a line of angels performing various profession and hobby or leisure activities. I wrote about Creed jewelry previously (you can read the article if you click on the link), but at that time these adorable angel charms weren't on my radar.
I also didn't realize the Hayward company also sold them. They look the same so I assume both Creed and Hayward bought from the same manufacturer. I don't know anything about the Hayward jewelry company.
I started collecting angel charms about a year ago and they are somewhat hard to find. So far I've bought the golf angel, angel holding a heart, band majorette angel, angel with sewing machine and one with a typewriter, and angel holding a garden watering can, and one playing the violin.
Also below you can see an angel bowling and one playing the grand piano. And I've included a picture of the other side of the piano so you can see how much detail there is.
I have no idea how many different types were made but I'm aware of at least 5 that I've seen but haven't bought. So I'm on the lookout.
I hope you enjoy viewing my charm collections and if you know anything about these charms or Hayward jewelry please leave a comment. Or even if you don't, please feel free to comment, I love to hear from my readers.
UPDATE 9-20-2015:
I found 3 more Creed angel charms to add to my angel bracelet - a swimming or diving angel, a nurse carrying a tray of medicine, and a high school or college graduate. Yay! I only know of 2 others that I still need to find.

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Category: Private Jewelry Collection
Hello Wanda,
I saw your post on the bracelet. I have one with 7 charms. Some of the same charms as yours but 3 others: Nativity scene, angel with diploma, and angel with cello. I have been trying to establish a value as a friend would like to purchase. I can send you pictures.
Thank you for your assistance.