Featured Vintage Charm Maker – Thomas L Mott

The Thomas L. Mott company, formed in 1875 in England, is known to vintage jewelry collectors as the maker who popularized the "Butterfly Wing" style of jewelry in the 1920s. I, however, love the brightly colored enamel charms manufactured by the company in the 1960s and 1970s. I've just recently become interested in collecting these, although I've been selling them for years. Now I wish I could get back all the charms I've sold. If you're interested in starting a collection this is a good time. They are currently fairly easy to find on various internet sites at reasonable prices. I don't believe the company is still in business, though, so the value and scarcity of these will likely go up from now on.
Most of Mott's charms are travel-related, such as maps, palm trees, island drummers, and some animals. These were likely sold on cruise ships and ports of call as ready made bracelets. There are also zodiacs, and a collection of flower of the month charms. There are several hallmarks that can be found on the back of these, all with the initials TLM. I've found when searching the internet that using TLM as a keyword is most effective because most non-collectors don't know what the initials stand for. My favorite hallmark is a painter's pallate with the intials inside, but some charms use the intials by themselves, and some use "TLM England" or "TL Mott".
I'll be posting more T L Mott charms in the next few weeks as one of my new projects is to start cataloging my different jewelry collections here on my blog. I'll show individual photos with front and back images, along with a short description. Check back often if you're interested & in the meantime happy collecting!

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