Joan’s Vintage Charms and Charm Bracelets Anniversary Charm

I'm pleased as punch because I received my 5 year anniversary heart charm that commemorates a milestone for Joan's Vintage Charms and Charm Bracelets discussion group. The group was formed by Joan Munkacsi back in 2003 on ebay as a place to share information about charm collecting. The tag line of the group reads "Where collectors and sellers of vintage charms can: Share our collections and our knowledge, Ask questions and find answers, Foster truth and accuracy in listings, And of course indulge our charmania!"
Joan passed away last year but she left behind a legion of followers. The group now has nearly 400 members and over 400 discussion threads. One of the rules is that the information posted must be purely informational and non-commercial. No links to active listing on ebay or anywhere else. This keeps the tone positive and friendly. There are international members from all over the world and indeed many friendships have been formed in the group.
I don't participate as much as I'd like to with the posting but I read a lot and learn so much from the members that I thought an anniversary charm would be a lovely reminder of why I love collecting charms and my passion continues to grow. Thanks Joan, wherever you are, for forming Vintage Charms and Charm Bracelets. Your work lives on and inspired us all.

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Category: Private Jewelry Collection
I am 54 years old and feel like I have been missing something!! I just started getting into these lovely little Puffy heart Charms. I love them they remind me of Valentine Candies. Thanks for this little Blog site.