My Collections Through the Years

I’ve been a collector as long as I can remember. Since I was young I’ve been fascinated by gathering together groups of things. Mostly small things. I remember being mesmerized with little bottles of shampoo and mouthwash from hotels and the travel section of the supermarket when I was a girl, and also the more typical assortments of colored buttons, marbles, and shells. I’ve always found it great fun to find things from different sources that are similar and arrange them in little groups. Probably a personality quirk of mine but I think lots of folks are afflicted similarly so I don’t feel too unusual.
Through the years my interests evolved and I’ve started collecting all kinds of little things. For a while I was on the hunt for little souvenir delft ceramic shoes, then old beaded fruit, dog figurines, the list goes on and on. Some things I would quickly lose interest in. Ebay came in handy when I decided to purge my possessions that weren’t so precious any more. I figured if I hadn’t tinkered with a collection for a few years then it was prime fodder for liquidation.
Of course my most coveted collections are my charms. But lately I’ve been cataloging my other groups of cherished treasures and thought I’d share them on my blog, just for kicks, a few at a time.
First are my Artesania Rinconada Dogs and Birds. These are made in Uruguay of earthenware ceramic. They don’t cost much and are easy to find on the internet. Some are retired and a bit harder to find. I love the stylized shapes and bright enameled colors. I’ve had them for many years. They’re just cute.
Blue Soapstone eggs are another goofy thing I’m drawn to. These aren’t old or uncommon either. I buy them at Marshalls or Home Goods for the most part whenever I see them. Lately I’ve not spotted any so they may be getting less popular in stores. This little bowl of eggs probably was acquired over a period of a dozen years.
And my final sampling for the day is a collection of 2 glass pumpkins which may not actually be considered a true collection at all. I think officially a collection must consist of at least 3 items. One of these pumpkins I bought at a garage sale for $1 and the other on sale at Ross. Although they are a seasonal decoration I have them displayed in my dining room in a cupboard year round.
So there you have my first installment in a series about things I’m always searching for when I’m out and about. Comments about your own treasures are welcome and encouraged.

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Category: My Other Collections
Great post, Wanda–I love these types of personal posts because the passion for collecting really comes through.
Nothing better than finding a cherished collectible for a buck like your pumpkin above!
Thanks, and Happy New Year —
Funny how much we all have in common, when you get right down to it…including the stores we haunt! CAROLINE