Vintage Charm Collector Spotlight – Sandy Weinstein

I’m adding a new component to my vintage charm bracelet collector’s blog. Every now and again I’ll be featuring a charmer who has been influential to me on my charm collecting journey. My inaugural article introduces Sandy Weinstein of A Genuine Find. She currently sells on eBay under the name yogiw and has also opened a new shop on Ruby Lane appropriately named A Genuine Find.
I first met Sandy on-line when I joined Joan’s charms and charm bracelets group on eBay. She was always active in the discussions, giving freely of the knowledge she had gleaned throughout her years of charm collecting. It seemed whenever someone had a question about a particular type of charm Sandy was there with an answer. If she didn’t know the answer she took the time to research it. Almost immediately I was drawn to her casual witty style of writing and her beautiful charm photos.
Sandy has an extensive and wonderfully imaginative vintage charm bracelet collection. One of my favorites is her Cincinnati Reds baseball bracelet. She replaced the spring ring with a baseball bat charm and uses it as a toggle clasp. She’s so creative.
I finally met Sandy in person last year at our Cincinnati Charm Convention. She was one of our hosts for the event, which was a huge success. She even took a group of us on a charm hunt at a local antique show where we found lots of treasures.
Sandy also has taken a leadership initiative in promoting truth and accuracy for vintage charm sellers on ebay. She spearheads an effort to keep the term “vintage charm” meaning actual old charms, not just old “style”. Anyone who is a beginner or seasoned collector can be assured if they purchase from one of her sites they will receive genuine vintage collectible jewelry. If she sells a reproduction, it’s clearly labeled as such. It truly helps take the “buyer beware” factor out of on-line purchases when sellers like Sandy are out there working for the integrity of our products.
Even though I’ve only been collecting for a few years Sandy has turned out to be one of my first and biggest inspirations. I continue to get great ideas, suggestions, and vintage charms from her. So everybody please stop by her websites, browse around and introduce yourselves. She’s a great person to get to know. Tell her fitzcharming sent you.

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Category: All About Old Jewelry
Anyone who fights to keep the term “vintage charm” actually meaning that has to be applauded. There are listings on eBay that to the newbie charm collector are downright misleading.
Pandora charms is another area that is rife with misleading ads.
And yet – despite this – there are sellers on eBay that are just so helpful and sharing of their knowledge. It’s a pleasure to deal with them. Shame about the others!