Sapphire Birthstones and September Birthdays

A deep blue sapphire is the traditional and modern birthstone for those born in September. This beautiful stone represents love, victory, wisdom, and purity. Named after the Greek word "sapphiurus", which means blue, ancient civilizations believed that sapphires protected one against envy and poisoning, and when ground to a powder, could cure colic, rheumatism, mental illness, and even strengthen eyesight.
Sapphire is a variety of the mineral corundum which comes in all colors. Red corundum is designated as ruby, and all other colors are deemed sapphires. Thus the wide variety of sapphire colors available, with celestial blue being the most prized and popular of the gems. Sapphires are second to diamonds in hardness, and like diamonds, and their value depends on the color, carat, and clarity of the stones. Their durability makes them perfect for setting into jewelry.
One of the most valued stones is the star sapphire, which is a a milky opaque gem cut to reflect light from inclusions within the stone, creating a white star pattern. The Star of India, a 563 carat star sapphire, is likely the largest star sapphire in the world. It is almost flawless and it has stars on both sides of the stone. The grayish blue gem was mined in Sri Lanka and is now kept in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
The Tiffany Jewelry Company published this poem from an unknown author for September birthdays in 1870.
"A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September's breeze,
A sapphire on her brow should bind;
To bring her joy and peace of mind."
Birthdays are delightful when they have a stone as special as the sapphire to accompany them. May all my September-born readers have a heavenly month.

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