Vintage Trifari Summer White Jewelry In Excess

I believe I've OD'd on vintage Trifari White Jewelry. Some of it is made from thermoset, a plastic similar to bakelite; some is milk glass, or poured glass, and some is Lucite. The pieces belong to several different Trifari named collections and they are all circa 1940s through 1960s. I have several duplicates and some that I've changed my mind about so a good portion of this collection has got to go. Look for it for sale in my Ebay store.
I've also been collecting old Trifari magazine advertisements from the period. This makes it easy to accurately date the pieces and the ads are very easy to find on the internet. I'm looking for a way to cover each page with protective plastic and bind them into a book. Most of the Trifari advertisement pages are from old Look and Life magazines. These were much larger than today's typical magazine page so it's going to require some legwork to find the perfect solution for assembling that collection. I'll probably need to seek advice from one of my scrapbooking friends in that endeavor. I'll add it to my-ever growing list, and when I complete the reference I'll post photos here on my blog.
Also watch for a write up about Trifari jewelry history on my blog in the near future. It's a fascinating story. For now I'm just posting photos of my vintage Trifari White madness. Scroll down to see more and Enjoy!

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Category: Private Jewelry Collection
As for preserving your advertisment pages, I’d suggest trying 12×12 scrapbook sheet protectors
Help. I just found a necklace and pair of earrings in my mother’s effects. They look like the small flower in your second picture. The earrings are one flower and the necklace is two on either side of a larger double petalled flower. It has a doubled chain and it is marked on the back. Where would I go to get it appraised and/or sell it? Any help would be appreciated!!
I would search for Trifari on ebay and see if you can find some that are similar. You can search by “sold” only items to see how much they went for. Alternatively there is a site called that shows how much items have recently sold for. It’s a paid site but they offer a free trial.